Over 10 years we helping companies reach their financial and branding goals. Onum is a values-driven SEO agency dedicated.

Brand Consulting

If your website is the first date with your customers - branding is your outfit, hairstyle, and personality.

It’s your company’s identity, reputation, and likability. And it’s how you build (and maintain) a relationship with customers. Don’t make your prospects have to figure who you are or why they should resonate with your brand. Immediately let people know what you’re about and why you deserve their attention. (Especially when so many other business are competing for it. Why muddle your message?)

I’ll guide you with:

  • Naming your business or company

  • Vision, Mission, and Value development and statement creation

  • Brand positioning 

  • Brand voice and messaging 

  • Brand standards and guidelines 

  • Offer and package development

Creative Marketing Consulting

Publishing blogs, ads, and sometimes posting on your business social media page without a strategy is like collecting puzzle pieces and jamming them together without a reference photo.

The pieces of your marketing strategy need to fit together to get an effective result.
Get a custom built creative marketing strategy to align your current situation with where you want to be.

  • Audit your market value currently and outline a path to meet growth and sales goals.

  • Deep-dive research your market and industry trends to keep up with and originate you from competitors.

  • Stay relevant and reach prospects with marketing and messaging that meets them in their spaces and resonates authentically.