Do you want to make more of an impact at work and score more wins for your brand - without adding more tasks to your plate?
You’re running the ship. And it’s up to you to make the decisions that make or break…everything.
Because you already know marketing is maybe THE most important key element to being successful in business. And yet for so many…it seems to be one of the hardest parts.
Fortunately for your boss – you want to be a master marketer with a trail of success…but you can’t be a one-person show.
And even with a team working under you, do you really have the bandwidth to come up with new ideas, research and execute them yourself, keep a pulse on alllll the industry trends, and still manage what you’re already juggling?
Not when you have a team you have babysit and sign off on every single thing they do.
Not when half of your job is correcting other people’s work, instead of focusing on your bigger challenges, and building & testing a killer strategy.
…Not when you know in your heart that:
Half of your team is inexperienced or understaffed
The higher ups are expecting you turn out miracles while the world’s on fire
And that nagging, back of mind thought that if business declines too much, the marketing budget is often first to go.